How to uninstall Bundles & Upsell
Uninstalling Bundles & Upsell from Shopify is simple and can be done from your Shopify admin dashboard. The process involves navigating to Settings, selecting the app, and uninstalling it.
Steps to Uninstall Bundles & Upsell from Shopify
1. Log in to Shopify Admin:
Start by logging into your Shopify store through Shopify Admin.
2. Go to Settings:
On the bottom left of your Shopify admin dashboard, click on Settings to access the settings menu.
3. Select Apps and Sales Channels:
In the settings menu, select Apps and sales channels. This will list all the apps installed on your store.
4. Find Bundles & Upsell App:
Scroll through the list or use the search bar to locate the Bundles & Upsell app.
5. Uninstall the App:
To the right of the app, click the three dots (⋮), then choose Uninstall from the drop-down menu. Confirm the uninstallation when prompted.
Common Questions About uninstalling Bundles & Upsell
By following these simple steps, you can successfully uninstall the Bundles & Upsell app from your Shopify store. Make sure to test your store afterward to ensure everything continues to function smoothly.
Last updated