Creating a Buy one Get one (BOGO) Discount requires only a few clicks.
First, you need to create a new frequently bought together bundle.
1. Enter the PickyStory app, select "Bundles", then "Frequently Bought Together"
2. In the "General" section, give your bundle a name (for your reference)
3. In the "Products" section, add the products to your bundle that your customer must buy in order to unlock the free (or discounted) product
4. In the "Discount" section, choose "Buy X Get Y / BOGO" and then select the minimum number of products a customer must purchase to unlock the free/discounted product.
5. In the "Products to get" section, set the discount to 100% to offer a free product. Then, select "Add product" and choose the product you wish to offer for free.
6. In the "Location" section, select "Use in campaign"
7. Depending on where you want to display your BOGO bundle, either select an existing location, or add a new location
8. Click on "Customize in Designer"
9. Position the widget in your store using the drag&drop tool.
- Buy one red t-shirt ---> Get one blue t-shirt free
- Buy one cup ---> Get 10% off your choice of straw