How do Frequently Bought Together Bundles work?

FBT Bundles are great for merchants who know what products they want to bundle

What are Frequently Bought Together Bundles?

FBT Bundles help merchants create custom product bundles and upsell them in-store to increase average order value. FBT bundles enable merchants to offer unique combinations of products to make the shopping experience more attractive and valuable to the customer. Learn more about FBT bundle types.

PickyStory's app logic for FBT Bundles:

By default, FBT bundles are displayed on every product page that is a part of the bundle. You can display FBT bundles anywhere in your store by creating new locations. FBT bundles are always prioritized over automated bundles. This means that if automated and FBT bundles were created for the same product, the FBT bundle will be prioritized higher and displayed to the shopper.

Who should use FBT bundles?

  • Merchants that just got started

  • Merchants that have few products in-store

  • Merchants who want to control every Bundle in their store

  • Merchants that want to promote specific bundling offers

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