What is Single-Selection?

Learn what PickyStory’s “single-selection” feature is, and how to use it.

With PickyStory, variant selection can be made easier for your shoppers with a single selection.

Single-Selection is a function where the system will recognize all the common variants that are present in your "bundle as product" deal and will make one selection variant for the child products involved. 

For Example: 

There are three (3) shirts in your bundle, and they are all available in sizes S, M, and L. If you enable the single-selection function,  the customer will only have to choose the size once - it will apply to all products (shirts) in the deal.

To enable single-selection, you can go to any bundle created, then navigate to the "Discount" tab

Scroll down to the "Single selection" option, toggle it to the "on" position, and select the relevant product option from the dropdown box

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